Every day actions of guerrillas appears even more creative and to generate buzz. And that developed by Leo Burnett in Buenos Aires for the Red Cross (Argentina division of the Red Cross - Red Cross) is one. To warn about global warming and its consequences a “man melted” distributing leaflets with tips on how to save energy.

With this action, the institution aims to promote awareness of citizens so they can be allies in the fight against climate change.

The Red Cross Argentina spends much of its budget in areas affected by natural disasters such as floods, droughts, storms and so on. And all these disasters are caused mainly by global warming.

An interesting action. But the main question is: where is the rest of the body?

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Anonymous said... @ January 21, 2009 at 10:56 PM


Well the idea is awesome... At least now people should be provoked with the consequences of global warming and some initiatives should be taken to stop it... Wonderful post, a real eye opener... Thanks a lot for sharing the information...

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