Stamp keyboard 1

Stamp keyboard 2
Stamp keyboard 3Amazing pieces of work on standard old keyboards. Each of these keyboards are made with the stamps of a single nation & often commemorate a royal coronation or celebrate a particular sport.

Automobile serves as stamp album.

Automobile serves as stamp album.E. Had-ley, of Casper, Wyo., created worlds largest stamp collection on a car by assembling 10,000 stamps onto his vehicle.

Five girls worked for six weeks to plaster the machine with the 10,000-odd specimens, which are covered with a protective coat of varnish to cover them from the weather and other factors of the road.

This car has enough stamps to be posted anywhere in the world!

This car has enough stamps to be posted anywhere in the world 1

This car has enough stamps to be posted anywhere in the world 2

This car has enough stamps to be posted anywhere in the world 3A Trabant 601 car produced at the former East German VEB Sachsenring Autowerke Zwickau is covered with thousands of stamps from all over the world as it is parked in a Berlin street August 11, 2007. Stamp seller Scharam Farahbakhsh decorated his car with a friend with more than 3,000 stamps attached to it using a special car paint.

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